Thursday 31 December 2015

DIPLOMATIC ART 2015, 5th event - Ambasada Cultural Centre

DIPLOMATIC ART 2015, 2nd edition, the 5th event: video-art at the Ambasada Cultural Centre on November 27th and November 28th  
Participating artists (with their works and concept presentations): 


Angie Bonino's work makes a critical analysis of reality and the present condition of the human being with its implications globally and analyzes and investigates the macro and micro systems that sustain slavery design scales and trying to ethical dilemmas global political activities, economy, science and technology in society.
What is man? - ¿Qué es el hombre?, vídeoart, 1280x1080px, 5´, 41", 2013

Synopsis: This videoart uses The Divine Hymn music also known as What is man of Henry Purcell (Classical music - Baroque), whose lyrics questions and analyzes the situation of man. Visual images are of marches and demonstrations in protest to the current economic crisis in several countries in America, Middle East and Europe. This video was shown at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Lima - Peru in the year 2014 in a solo exhibition of Angie Bonino "Following the clues of a crime" and the exhibition: "Video art in Latin America" in the Auditorium of the Instituto Getty Research in USA 2015.

The Discourse, vídeoart, 1280x1080px, 5´, 51", 2013

Synopsis:The video contains the image of presidents and activists of the Americas that were killed, so we'll see mini excerpts from speeches chosen for their lucidity of: John F. Kennedy (USA), Salvador Allende (Chile) Omar Torrijos (Panama), Jaime Roldós (Ecuador), Martin Luther King (USA). This video was shown at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Lima - Peru in the year 2014 in a solo exhibition of Angie Bonino "Following the clues of a crime"

Angie Bonino - What is man? - ¿Qué es el hombre?, 2013


From Expatriate (2005) to the newest video, Milano, Italy, (2015), which will have its world premiere in Timisoara, all the works chosen by Carla Della Beffa for Diplomatic Art are about some aspects of society: the feelings of an expatriate at a dinner with friends, the rituals of preparing and sharing food, the places we call home, the contradictions about prescriptions and needs, the changing city where the artist lives (but aren’t they all more or less the same?). The artist chooses to show, rather than denouncing: it’s for the public to form an opinion.

 Carla Della Beffa - Rituali, 2007


Mozart - excerpt, SD video, color, sound, 2008-2009

The videos present subjects, young, academically educated polyglots, coming from Eastern Europe, dressed up as “Mozarts”, selling concert tickets in the streets of Vienna. But instead of a consideration of their predetermined and fixed identities, the issue here is a complex juxtaposition of different signifiers (de)constructing these identities: costumed bodies in constant motion in public space, their biographies and favourite songs sung authentic “inner” voice. (excerpt from the text, Maja Ciric, JELENA JURESA - Transfer of (inner and outer) borders, Mozarts, exhibition catalogue, Gallery Zvono, Belgrade, 2010).

Jelena Juresa, Mozart, 2008-2009


For over 30 years he has studied the phenomenon of how stationary waves arise in liquids as they are stimulated by audible sound frequencies. He is truly a pioneering figure in the field of Cymatics — experimenting and drawing, not only the diverse geometric patterns that occur on the surface of the liquids, but also clearly illustrating the complex dynamic forces that generate these intricate and orderly patterns both experimentally, and throughout the vastness of nature.

Kelemen’s experiments are performed with the rigor and discipline of a physicist, while his artistic sensitivity brings a playfulness and an inventiveness that often yield surprising results — for instance, his startling 3-dimensional Cymatic “sculptures” that mimic complex natural structures, such as flowers, biological organisms, and even the human face itself! Focusing particularly on the interaction between the sphere, and the spiral vortex and toroidal motions that are fundamental in structuring matter into form, his in-depth studies have led to the articulation of an original theory – The Universality of the Sphere-Vortex Principle.

 Gabriel Kelemen, The Universality of the Sphere-Vortex Principle

In the video Revenir, 2006, the viewer is confronted with a phantasmal. Barely making out a small child’s face, a haunting intruder peers from a door frame on a family photograph. Nicéne Kossentini uses a resurrected family photograph from when her mother, aunts and uncles were children in Sfax, yet the video centralizes the ghostly onlooker. The spectator demands the question, as Kossentini may herself, could this child, caught in the frame, have existed? As both an apparition and a child, Kossentini’s allegorical character depicts the onlooker’s marginalized position – the very position the artist exemplifies in many works – as if to identify with the removed figure in the photograph.

Nicéne Kossentini, Revenir, 2006

Short films which ironically depicts the competitive desire, deconstructing the hero worship by a satirical manner. Paraphrasing the Satiricon and pun jokes with its bucolic air, neighboring comedia dell'arte parody atmosphere, the winner and the defeated ultimately fraternize in an incoherent manner.
 Gilles Lassale, TDN’s First Box Kafeta, 2006

The Raven (1999): An animated adaptation of the famous poem by Edgar Allen Poe.

Si Lunchai (2014): The smart trickster Si Lunchai triumphs over the cruel king. An adaptation of an Indonesian folk legend in the style of the Southeast Asian shadow puppet play "Wayang Kulit".

Hannes Rall, Si Lunchai, 2014


The short feature film “( )”, 2015, is about the ability or rather inability to share or release, during our life, the unspoken burden of thoughts, mainly due to internal barriers, as well as seclusion and indifference from others. Communication is the most important way to overcome difficult times and moments in our lives, being given the known negative effects, even destructive, because of the lack of dialogue. It remains to be seen if the character in the film, will overcome all these obstacles, internal and external, and will manage to reach the breaking point.

Mihai Surdea, ( ), 2015

More images from the making of and the openings

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