Wednesday 30 December 2015

DIPLOMATIC ART 2015, 1st event at Helios Gallery

DIPLOMATIC ART 2015, 2nd edition – the 1st event at the Helios Gallery, opening on  November 3rd.  

Participating artists (with their works and concept presentations):     

These drawings are the visual phenomena that occurred while wandering through my psyche and the cosmos, realizing we are one. If you spare a little of your imagination as you watch these you will see many things that answer many questions. Please watch carefully. 

 Carolina Arévalo – Planet # 20: Formation Void, drawing, 50x49,5 cm, 2014

Life for me appears to be very attractive & full of sentiments and emotions. I love to live closer. I want to touch them. I want to feel them. I want to share my experiences to others through my work. Through this I want to bring out the cool war going through human mind and soul. Man comes across different aspects of life in every interval of hours, sometimes he finds himself in high spirits touching the high skies. Sometimes he is cloud, sometimes he is a bird and what not more sometimes he is bound to various sentiments and relations & in the other movements he finds himself all alone. As nobody is here anywhere. Many type keep me cool to rather others one to harass which when every times comes in mind makes me panic. My endeavor is to put life into my prints by providing innovative expressions of sorrow, joy, anger and also in this complicated world emotions for life and penchant for good.

 Rakesh Bani – Life - B, etching, aquatint, 50 x 70 cm, 2009

Bracchitta is a visionary artist. The objects of his imaginary are invested with ambiguous symbolic connotations. The slender stems of a plant; the deep, dark, mysterious recesses are hiding-places, scenes of temptation, of discoveries, of acceptance and fertilization, unknown territories of the memory… His colors are often reminiscent of autumn, a period of melancholy and reflection. But his approach is not one of consolation. The calligraphically seductive image is traversed by blades of blue and black, sharp lines, smears, indicating conflicts, tensions, tragedies, contradictions of our existence and our daily life. 

Sandro Bracchitta – Tre Case, carborundum, dry point, pure acid bite, 52 x 42 cm, 2014

BERT BROUWER (The Netherlands)  
In his large-sized linocut prints, Bert Brouwer uses everyday images, which are not intended as art, to relate the vulgar to the sublime. Brouwer manipulates his scenes, by drawing, cutting and shifting them about. When the composition meets his requirements he cuts his manipulations out in linoleum, and prints them on canvas. (A.G.) 

Bert Brouwer – Auto AG, linocut, ink on canvas, 70x100 cm, 2013

DIMO KOLIBAROV (Bulgaria)   
Konstantin is a real person. He is a child and my son. I tried to see the world true the children eyes – world more beautiful, world in dreams, but world more danger. We must keep the children.

Dimo Kolibarov – The Diary of Konstantin - Yesterday, CRG, 50 x 70 cm, 2015


“A conversation with nature language / Talking about where I am / But does not specify where I´m going.”

Nic Langendoen - In a different light, mixed media on canvas, 70 x 70 cm, 2014

Project # 2 – Reflections Taher loves to use the fire for its unpredictible reactions. He recreates analogue collages from burned parts of photos and papers as «A reborn from its ashes» (burned collages:   

Taher Mhamdi – Bodies, collage on burned photographs/paper, 13 x 8 cm, 2015

PAVEL TICHOŇ (Czech Republic)  
United States of Cakeland (Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, South Korea, Macedonia, Moldova, Netherlands, Peru, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia - and Romania).

“In 1949, Albert Einstein published an essay in which he asked “how the structure of society... should be changed in order to make human life as satisfying as possible?” This is, of course, the question that has always enlivened and informed democratic politics: What should government do to best contribute to a world in which citizens lead positive and rewarding lives? It is here that we find the foundational issue over which candidates and political parties ultimately base their philosophical appeals to the public – what specific public policies contribute to better lives? Of course, given that the structural conditions that promote happiness are political goods, there is naturally political conflict – which is to say ideological conflict – over what policies we should adopt in furthering the greatest happiness for the greatest number.” 
’The Political Economy of Human Happiness: How Voters’ Choices Determine the Quality of Life - Benjamin Radcliff  

Pavel Tichoň – Czech Republic, UV print, 35 x 50 cm, 2015

Pavel Tichoň – United States of Cakeland, installation, variable size, 2015 
(photo in exhibition)

ScanMan In his work, Vuk Vučković is interested mostly in the human figure and its inner and outer space, showing a deep understanding of the interactive harmony of the two. He has tackled questions of the body and its identity in contemporary art. By exposing a theme that penetrates into the grey zones of society’s moral existence through the most intimate sexual and moral frustrations, Vučković almost ironically presents the complex condition of a human being with access to information and opportunities. Yet who remains closed and trapped in an idea of socially acceptable norms that are incapable of fulfilling the needs development of a modern, cultural and social identity. 

Vuk Vučković – ScanMan / BusinessMan, print, 42 x 30 cm, 2015

Credit photo (exhibition) – Renée Renard

More images from the making of and the openings

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